
Grief Brain - How To Recover And Find Support

While some people associate grief with a loss or death, that’s not always the case. People can also grieve when they adjust to any sort of new normal in their lives—like becoming an empty nester for example; it might be more difficult than you expected!

While some people associate grief with a loss or death, that’s not always the case. People can also grieve when they adjust to any sort of new normal in their lives—like becoming an empty nester for example; it might be more difficult than you expected!

The way we feel after a major life change, such as the death or divorce of a loved one can be grief. But it’s not always about losing someone you love; sometimes this kind heartbreak comes from adjusting to new normal situations like becoming an empty nester and retirement -even though these are exciting times in your life they might also bring up emotions.

When you’re feeling grief, it can be hard to absorb what is going around us. You may even find yourself tuning out of conversations or being less attentive in general because your mind just doesn't want focus on anything right now- which isn't uncommon at all!

Rest assured that there is nothing wrong with you. It's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and sad when a loved one passes away or leaves, but it doesn't have to define your life forever! The following strategies will help get everything back on track so you can find peace again:

Practice Self-Care

When you are feeling like your world is falling apart, the most important thing to do for yourself is focus on eating well and exercising. These practices will help both body AND mind recuperate from grief! insufficient shuteye can be challenging post-grief because it interferes with cognition (which helps during times of trouble) as well as concentration; therefore establishing good sleeping habits should start right away following an interruption.

Take Time Off

It’s normal and appropriate to take some time off from work or other responsibilities if you need it, so that your feelings do not run rampant while processing your grief. The best way for each person will vary depending on their situation but there should be no shame about seeking support either through family members friends coworkers etc..

Challenge Negative Thoughts

The human mind is a curious creature. It likes to wander and explore, but sometimes those thoughts can lead you down dark alleys with no relief in sight or leave your heart weighed down by regret over what might've been. Instead of thinking about how lost we feel right now or the 'what ifs' focus on all the happy memories that should make us smile through tears.

Seek Support

You are not alone in your pain and struggle to move on from the death of a loved one; there is always someone who will understand what you’re going through. Grief support groups offer valuable resources that can teach people how they coped with their own loss, while also providing tools for managing this difficult time period as well as helping them feel more connected again by sharing stories or simply just being together at events outside work hours where friends gather over good food & conversation - these types of things give us all some joy during our toughest moments even though times may differ greatly between individuals

If your grief reaction is extreme or if you’re having suicidal thoughts then a doctor, therapist or counsellor can help you identify coping strategies. Read our latest blog posts for further reading: UK Charities To Support You Through Grief, 5 Signs It's Time For A Therapy Session About Your Grief.


Gemz By Emz specialise in creating engraved memorial jewellery, personalised with your loved one's photo, handwriting, paw print, fingerprint, handprint or footprint.

Article written by EMMA THOMSON
Innovators of engraved memorial jewellery