
Grieving A Loved One Around An Anniversary

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we can go through in life. So, when a special occasion or anniversary comes around, it can be really tough to deal with.

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we can go through in life. So, when a special occasion or anniversary comes around, it can be really tough to deal with.

Anniversaries are a time to reflect on happy memories and good times. But for those who have lost someone close to them, anniversaries can be bittersweet. They can be a reminder of what was – and what is no longer.

If you're struggling to cope with grief around an anniversary, here are some things that might help:

Surround Yourself With Family

Talk about your loved one on the anniversary. This can be really helpful in remembering the good times and keeping their memory alive.Spend time with family and friends. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you can be really supportive.

Take Time Off Work

If you feel like you may struggle around the time of an important occasion or anniversary then it may be a good idea to take some time off work if you feel that you may not be able to focus or concentrate. Perhaps you could do something special on this day with your loved ones? On the other hand some find that going to work and keeping busy helps to keep their mind off the occasion and distracts them. It can also be a good decision to discuss the occasion or your emotions with your line manager, so that they are aware should you need some time out on the day to get some fresh air or take a break.

Have A Self-Care Day

You may want to take it easy on the day and use it take care of your mental health. Why not have a lie in, or do some gentle exercises such as swimming to shake off stressful emotions and get your endorphins going? A bubblebath, a face pack and pamper Evening can also help you to feel a little better when your mind is really struggling.

Treat Yourself

Memorial jewellery is a special way to feel your loved one close to you every day. Whether you choose to treat yourself to a personalised necklace, a special bracelet or a treasured keepsake such as an engraved trinket box - we have a wide range of beautiful memorial gifts to choose from. Each item can be engraved with your loved one's photo, a handwritten message of their actual handwriting, or even their fingerprint.

There are many things you can do to remember and celebrate the life of your loved one on special occasions - visiting their grave, spending time at a special place you used to go with them, listening to a dedicated playlist and many more. Never feel like you 'have' to do something on your loved ones anniversary - for some people taking it easy and not doing anything is what is right for them. Everyone drives differently, just do what feels right for you.

Grieving A Loved One Around An Anniversary Gemz by EmzGrieving A Loved One Around An Anniversary Gemz by EmzGrieving A Loved One Around An Anniversary Gemz by Emz
Article written by EMMA THOMSON
Innovators of engraved memorial jewellery