
30 Inspirational Quotes About Overcoming Grief

When experiencing grief and loss a quote is like a snapshot in time that can help us put our thoughts and feelings into perspective, allow for communication or conveyance of message with words from others' perspectives.

30 inspirational quotes about overcoming grief: When experiencing grief and loss a quote is like a snapshot in time that can help us put our thoughts and feelings into perspective, allow for communication or conveyance of message with words from others' perspectives. They also serve as an opportunity to feel commonality when you find your own experiences match those shared by someone else - these are just some examples so take what resonates with you the most.

30 Inspirational Quotes About Overcoming Grief

1) "The only way to avoid crying is to never have a heart." - Unknown

2) "It's okay if you need to take a break from being strong. It doesn't mean you're giving up, it just means you're being brave enough to let your guard down for a moment." - Ozzy Osbourne

3) "Grief can be a shattering experience bringing inconsolable pain and hopelessness. Yet grief is also the experience that awakens us to life's most fulfilling promises. The promise of unconditional love, the redemptive power of forgiveness, and the transforming potential of loss are all at the heart of this awakening." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

4) "There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story." - Frank Herbert

5) "Grief can be a shattering experience bringing inconsolable pain and hopelessness. Yet grief is also the experience that awakens us to life's most fulfilling promises. The promise of unconditional love, the redemptive power of forgiveness, and the transforming potential of loss are all at the heart of this awakening." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

6) "So much of what we do in life is so often taken for granted or goes unacknowledged. That's why it's the small things in life that really mean so much." - Bradley James

7) "Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming... It will always return though, bringing with it the beauty of what was...and what could be again." - Unknown

8) "Since you can't control the length of your life, decide how you want to live each day instead. Make choices based not on circumstance but on values." - Dan Zadra

9) "There are some days when I feel like a child waking from long sleepwalking in a new world. There are some days when I feel like an alien who is just becoming aware of the beauty of the Earth and the tragedy that this world is witness to every day." - Unknown

10) "Grief does not change you...it reveals you." - C.S. Lewis

11) "The reason why many people are afraid of grief is not that it is crippling in itself, but they fear that which follows. They are afraid that if they enter into grief fully they will never come out the other side. But this only happens when one denies grief instead of feeling it fully." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

12) "On my worst days when I can't find any reason to keep going and my chest physically hurts from the lack of ability to take even one more breath, I remember that this pain has a purpose. It means that I've experienced love and that it's okay if every once and a while, I need some help letting go." - Margarita Tartakovsky

13) "Getting over it does not mean getting on with your life; getting over it means getting through it." - Albus Dumbledore

14) "Grief never ends...But it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. Grief is the price we pay for love." - Unknown

15) "A grief gone is a joy earned." - Joe A. Haldeman

16) "It's hard to accept that some things just can't be fixed or changed, but coming to terms with it and learning from the past will help you move ahead in the future so you don't repeat old mistakes." - Unknown

17) "The more we share our story of loss, the more capable we become of being able to listen and be present for those who have had similar experiences. It's not important how long someone has been on a journey of grief or what they're going through at any particular time--What matters is that your presence as a friend matters a great deal to them." - Margarita Tartakovsky

19) "It is the nature of grief to change in time. It cannot be rushed or easily brought to the heel. It takes its own course--its seasons changing as it gradually recedes into the past until one day you find yourself moving forward rather than looking back." - Alice Sebold

20) "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not yet the end." - Unknown

21) "Grief is a personal matter, no two people sharing the same experience, rather each person owning his or her unique one. Although we experience this universe as separate beings, beyond our separateness lies our oneness." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

22) "Once you have been to the bottom of your pain and grief...You will change. And when you do, you will affect those around you. Everyone has something beautiful inside of them waiting for those who love deeply enough to bring it out." - Unknown

24) "I've learned that grief doesn't change you, it reveals you." - C.S. Lewis

25) "If someone has passed away, one of the best things to do is to live in honor of their memory by doing something meaningful that they would have enjoyed doing or, better yet, something that will help other people." - Margarita Tartakovsky

26) "To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

27) "Grief isn't a sign of weakness; it shows what kind of warrior you are. It tells people who see your journey how strong your heart is and how bravely you will continue to move forward." - Unknown

28) "Grief changes shape, but it never ends. And somehow you find yourself again...And again...You find the strength to stand up...To move forward...And keep going." - Margarita Tartakovsky

29) "Grief is not a straight and narrow path. There will be days and sometimes long periods of time when you don't feel the presence of your loved one as acutely as other times. This doesn't mean that you're doing anything wrong or that you're moving backward in the process- You just need to allow yourself to experience whatever it is, however it is." - Margarita Tartakovsky

30) "Many of us try to avoid grief and loss altogether as if they can't happen to us. But we all will face times in our lives when we need the strength that comes from honoring and respecting those we've lost." - Margarita Tartakovsky

Article written by EMMA THOMSON
Innovators of engraved memorial jewellery